Dávno minulé jsou doby, kdy audiovizuální výchova znamenala projekci filmu a vrcholem aktivity bylo vyplnění metodického listu. Svět filmu se dá poznávat i aktivně a v současné době se objevují stále nové formáty, které možnosti edukace rozšiřují a propojují ji s nevšedními zážitky. V panelové diskuzi vám představíme inspirativní přístupy k filmové a audiovizuální výchově od zahraničních hostů z Nizozemska (Eye Filmmuseum), Itálie (Cineteca Milano), Německa (Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum) a USA (Facing West Shadows, Exploratorium). Dotkneme se témat kreativní filmové reflexe, online nástrojů pro výuku a aktivizaci školní třídy, herní edukace ve virtuální realitě nebo stínové multimediální projekce propojující minulost a současnost obrazových médií.
Martin Černý (NaFilM: Národní filmové muzeum, Czechia)
Lydia Greer (Facing West Shadows, Exploratorium, USA)
Pia Bechtle, Nicky Maas (Eye Filmmuseum, Netherlands)
Simone Moraldi (Cineteca Milano, Italy)
Stefanie Plappert (Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Germany)
Main partner: Creative Europe Desk Czechia (MEDIA – programme for supporting the European film and audiovisual industries)
Martin Černý co-leads the NaFilM: National Film Museum. He is the museum’s manager, curator and coordinator of international projects implementing new technologies (augmented reality, gaming principles) in the museum’s exhibitions. He also coordinates the activities of the museum’s platform for innovation and education called museUM JINAK. He has been active in the film industry since 2014. He was a coordinator of short and documentary films in the Czech Film Center and a PR manager of the VOD platform DAFilms. Martin Černý studied film theory at Charles University in Prague.
Pia Bechtle is a Developer for Education at the Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam, creating programs for schools, festivals, and museums worldwide. She holds an MA from the University of Amsterdam, complementing her BAs from Humboldt University of Berlin. Previously, she collaborated with the MACHmit! Museum for children, KUKI Festival, and the Jimmy Nelson Foundation. Pia leads film education initiatives, including the 'Lights, Camera, … Emotion!' workshop, designed to enhance social-emotional and communication skills for students with hearing and language development challenges through engaging with film.
Lydia Greer is a widely exhibiting interdisciplinary visual artist, filmmaker, animator, and the artistic director of Facing West Shadows, a Lumia arts collective working with shadow casting/ hybridizing art forms to create magical acts of rebellion as experimental art in the gold rush climate of the San Francisco Bay Area. Expanding into film/animation, theater/opera, puppetry, and sculptural installation, Facing West Shadows creates surprising experiences for the audience by seamlessly combining old and new technologies and art forms.
Stefanie Plappert is a Theatre, Film and Media scholar (Frankfurt University), and a curator at DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum. Since 2012, she has been responsible for several exhibitions, including „Film NOIR!“ (2012), „Conscious Hallucinations. Filmic Surrealism“ (2014), „RED in Film“ (2017) and “Catastrophe” (2021). Additionally, she has been involved in collaborations with art and media collecting institutions. Her exhibitions feature film installations and explore the possibilities of engaging new technologies in exhibitions, which leads into her current transformation project with the DFF’s permanent exhibition focusing on audience engagement topics including accessibility, diversity and sustainability.
Nicky Maas graduated as a filmmaker from the Utrecht School of the Arts in 2011. Since then, she has developed and directed several documentaries for Dutch public broadcasting and presented them at numerous international festivals. Additionally, she has nearly 10 years of experience teaching film education at all levels. For the past few years, Nicky has been engaged with the Eye Film Museum in Amsterdam, where she curates an auditorium program exploring the boundary between fact and fiction.
Simone Moraldi is a Project Manager at Fondazione Cineteca Italiana. He has extensive experience in film education, having collaborated with various national and international institutions, including Università Roma Tre, British Film Institute and Cinémathèque Française. Moraldi has played a significant role in developing film education projects such as "The Film Corner" and participates actively in seminars and conferences focusing on the future of film education across Europe.
Design & web: David Huspenina